Author name: Business Goals 4u

Marketing Success- How to Get Over That First Hill and Start Making Real Money!

If you’re like a lot of newbie marketers you have heaps of great marketing ideas all the time. Problem is they just seem to fade into nothing without you ever doing a thing about them, Am I right? After a week you have forgotten all about that great new idea or you have that lingering …

Marketing Success- How to Get Over That First Hill and Start Making Real Money! Read More »

Network Marketing – Why Is It So Great?

If you’ve ever heard of Network Marketing, you’ve probably heard it said that it is essentially a people’s business. Some have also labeled it a people’s franchise because of the similarities between the business models of network marketing and franchising. Advocates of the industry name it as the ultimate people’s business and say there is …

Network Marketing – Why Is It So Great? Read More »

The Elevator Pitch: Acing The First Contact

Entrepreneurs with businesses in early start-up differ on what they believe to be the most important element, although many professionals will argue that creating a solid business plan should definitely be the first step. A well-crafted business plan lays out all the details and strategies, includes projections for revenue and spending, and will be reviewed …

The Elevator Pitch: Acing The First Contact Read More »

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